Did you know that God is not mad at you?

Do you find that hard to believe? Maybe you feel like God is punishing you for your past sins. Or perhaps it seems like you’ve messed up so much that God has simply given up on you. Many of us grew up with the idea that God is an angry old man up in Heaven just waiting for us to mess up. So when bad things happen and life gets hard we just assume its God punishing us. But the Bible says that God is not mad at you because He has made peace with you when Jesus went to the cross. Check out this verse in the Bible:

…through Him [Jesus], God reconciled
    everything to himself.
He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth
    by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.
Colossians 1:20

Notice it says “everything in heaven and on earth.” You’re on earth right? So God has made peace with you! He’s not mad at you! Think about it – why would He send His son to save a bunch of people He’s still angry at? He sent His son to us because He loves us!

So does that mean it’s OK with God if I sin? No way! God hates sin because it destroys the people He loves. Sin is like a spiritual cancer that eats away at us from the inside out. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” God already knows you’re a sinner and is well aware of your shortcomings. So instead of being mad at you, He wants to remove your sin. He wants to give you the antidote that will heal your spiritual sickness. That medicine is a relationship with His son, Jesus. Jesus died and rose from the dead to pay for your sin and free you from it. And even beyond that – once you repent (turn away) from a life where you are fixated on living for yourself, He’ll help you turn toward a life filled with peace and joy as you learn to grow in His ways.

But aren’t there a lot of Bible verses about God’s judgement and the wrath of God? Yes, there are and they’re all true. However John 3:18 says that if we believe in Jesus we don’t have to fear God’s judgment. The judgment of God is very real but it has been delayed. You have a window of opportunity now to take the medicine and be saved. Once your life on earth is over it will be too late.

So here’s the deal: God can only take away your sin-sickness with your permission.

Don’t you think it’s time to take the spiritual medicine that will cure you? How wonderful would it feel to begin a relationship with the God who is not mad at you? Are you ready to trust in Jesus as the one who will save you? If so, pray this prayer to God:

“God, I admit that I am a sinner. I am sick with a sin-disease and I cannot cure myself. But I understand now that you love me and have given me Your Son Jesus, who is the medicine I need to be healed. I turn away from my sin and I turn to You. I trust that Jesus’ death and resurrection have paid for my sin and I receive the new life and healing that comes from knowing Jesus. Teach me your ways and show me how to live. Thank You for loving me and thank You for saving me. Amen”

If you prayed that prayer, I am so happy for you! This is just the beginning of a beautiful and exciting relationship between you and the Lord. Please click here to use our contact form to email me directly and let me know about your experience with God.

Whether you just prayed to receive Christ or you’ve been saved for years, its vital that you get connected to a Bible-believing church that will train you and show you how to grow in Christ. Jesus never intended you to follow Him alone! There are many good churches in the Thomasville area and we at VFC would love to have you visit. Click here to visit our Location & Times page to see where we are located and when we meet. Please let us know how we can serve you.

Be Blessed!
Pastor Jamie
Victory Fellowship Church