Idol Minds

Idol Minds

Idol Minds Part 4: Pleasure

We worship at the altar of pleasure when we turn gifts into gods.Ecclesiastes 2:1,10-11 “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” C.S. Lewis Three idols of pleasure that fail to deliver:THE IDOL OF FOODRomans 14:17“for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but…

Idol Minds part 3: Power

Has the idol of “power” captured your focus? An idol is anything or anyone we allow to take the place of God in our lives, anything or anyone we worship, anything or anyone that you serve. We must choose who we will serve: your default will be to serve the idols passed along to you by your family and by your culture. We get rid of idols in three steps: recognize, repent…

Idol Minds Part 2: People

Do you have idols in your life? Did you know that people can be idols in your life? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares a warning and a remedy concerning our relationships. An idol is anything or anyone we allow to take the place of God in our lives, anything or anyone we worship, anything or anyone that you serve. We must choose who we will serve: your default…

Idol Minds Part 1: American Idols

Although you may not have a statue of Buddha in your home, we all struggle with idolatry. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally explains why idolatry is such a big deal and what we can do about it. Here are some idols that you might have:FoodSexEntertainmentHobbiesLeisureSuccessMoneyPossessionsRomanceFamilyYourself These can be gifts in our lives. But,good gifts make bad…