Open Handed

Open Handed

Open Handed, Part 3: Give to Get to Give

Biblical generosity isn’t giving because you have to, nor is it giving so you can get stuff from God. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally explains the true results of giving as he concludes our Open Handed series. Being open handed is adopting a lifestyle of holding loosely to your resources so you can live a generous life. Give to get to give: If we are going to…

Open Handed, Part 2: Money Problems

Do you have “money problems”?  The world says you have “money problems” when you don’t have money. The Bible says you have “money problems” when money has you. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares warnings and remedies in our struggle with money.  Being open handed is adopting a lifestyle of holding loosely to your resources so you can live a generous…

Open Handed Part 1: Living Generously

Christians know we are supposed to give to others. But what’s the difference between being giving and being generous? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how living generously is the way of Jesus-followers. You have a choice between generosity or greed. Greed produces owners, generosity produces stewards.Greed says this is mine. Generosity says this is…