Sermons by Jamie Nunnally (Page 20)
The Freedom of Forgiveness
Have you been hurt? Are you stuck in unforgiveness? Unforgiveness can completely derail your life. You can’t survive unforgiveness. If you forgive the people who hurt you, God will remove the pain they caused you. God loves you and wants you free. In this message Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about three types of forgiveness and how they unlock freedom in our…
Jesus’ Job Description
If you have a job, then you have a job description. What was Jesus’ job description? Acts 10:38 describes Jesus’ job description. In this message, Pastor Jamie shares what Jesus did, who He did it for, why He did it, and how He did it. The bad things that happen in life are not an accurate gauge of how God feels about you. The life of Jesus is the best…
Reverse the Curse – Part 3: Curses in the Garden
Have you ever felt like you were cursed? Maybe it seems nothing works out for you. Or perhaps the same things keep going wrong. You may be living under a curse from the garden of Eden, described in Genesis chapter 3. Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares what the curses of the garden are. These curses…
Reverse the Curse – Part 2: Generational Curses
Have you ever felt like you were cursed? Maybe it seems nothing works out for you. Or perhaps the same things keep going wrong. You may be dealing with a generational curse. Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares what a generational curse is and how to break it. Recognize the difference between generational…
Reverse the Curse – Part 1: Curse of the Law
Have you ever felt like you were cursed? Maybe it seems nothing works out for you. Or perhaps the same things keep going wrong. There are curses that we find in scripture. One of these curses is the curse of the law. Pastor Jamie Nunnally helps us identify the enemy’s…
Passing the Test pt 4: Purity
There are tests that all Christians must go through. Will you be able to pass the “Purity Test”? Why is impurity dangerous? How can you pass the purity test? What can we do to walk in purity? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally answers these questions and more. Impurity hurts us, hurts God, hurts the church,…
Passing the Test Part 3: Pride
There are tests that all Christians must go through. Will you be able to pass the “Pride Test”? Why is pride dangerous? What are the risks of false humility? How can you know whether you struggle with pride? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally answers these questions and more. We all…
Passing the Test Part 2: Prosperity
There are tests that all Christians must go through. Will you be able to pass the “Prosperity Test”? Can you handle prosperity? Do you know that you are rich? Can you be trusted with riches? Does it matter how you handle money when you don’t have much? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally answers these questions and more. Instead of being…
Passing the Test Part 1: Patience
There are tests that all Christians must go through. Will you be able to pass the “Patience Test”? Why is patience important? How can you develop patience? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally answers these questions and more. Instead of being caught off guard, let’s prepare so we can pass the test.
Elephants in the Room: Loving the LGBT Community
Does God create people to be LGBT? Is the LGBT lifestyle sinful? How should a Christian view the LGBT community? How can the church love the LGBT community? What does it mean to be holysexual? Pastor Jamie Nunnally addresses these questions and more, sharing insights from the bible and from current…