Sermons by Jamie Nunnally (Page 3)
Lost Cause, Part 1: Looking for the Lost // Jamie Nunnally
Elephants 2024, Part 4: AI, Social Media, & the Truth // Jamie Nunnally
What is truth? How can we know what’s true and what isn’t? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about something really important: the truth. John 18:37-38a “… ‘What is truth?’ Pilate asked.” Nothing has changed in 2000 years. There is an…
Elephants 2024, Part 3: The Sex Talk // Jamie Nunnally
Elephants 2024, Part 1: How Should Christians Vote?
How Should Christians Vote? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally will share about this elephant in the room. Our Elephants in the Room was a series started back in 2015 because I realized there were tough topics and sensitive subjects that needed to be addressed with grace and truth. …
This is My Story, Part 9: Stephen // Jamie Nunnally
When your story is history, and your story is his story, your story will become ministry and prophecy. In this message, Paator Jamie Nunnally shares the story of Stephen from Acts chapters 6 & 7. Acts 6:1-4 Church growth requires division of labor. If you try to do everything,…
This is My Story: The Syrophoenician Woman // Jamie Nunnally
If Jesus called you a dog, how would you react? In this message, which continues our This is My Story series, Pastor Jamie shares the biblical story of an outcast who received mercy from Jesus. In Mark chapter 7 and Matthew 15, we find the story of the Syrophenician Woman This encounter takes…
This is My Story: Elijah and the Prophets of Baal // Jamie Nunnally
When your story is history, and your story is His story, your story will become ministry and prophecy. In this message, Pastor Jamie shares lessons for our lives from the biblical story of Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. 1 Kings 18:1, 17-21 POINT #1: Idolatry adds a limp to our walk with God. An…