"bible" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

"bible" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

Built to Last

You’re always living in something that’s been built – good or bad – by you or someone else.  In this message, Tiffany Nunnally encourages us to consider where you are living and what you are building.   If you don’t know Jesus you’re spiritually homeless. Our job is to save the homeless, bring them to our house and help them build their…

Power Up Part 1: The Power of the Holy Spirit

Everyone likes upgrades! Do you want to know how to upgrade your spiritual life? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares godly insight on how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit.The Holy Spirit wants to be IN you and ON you. Acts 1:8 “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me…

I Have Decided part 2: Follow the Leader

Did you ever play Follow The Leader? In this message Pastor Jamie Nunnally explains that discipleship is simply doing what your leader does. The word disciple appears over 200 times in the New Testament. “Christian” only 3. The Bible is a book about disciples written by disciples, intended to be read by disciples. What is a disciple?A disciple is an apprentice: someone…