"Christian" Tagged Sermons

"Christian" Tagged Sermons

I Have Decided, Part 1: Follow Jesus

Who are you following?Maybe you consider yourself a follower of Jesus.Are you a follower? Aa fan? A secret admirer?In this message Pastor Jamie describes three types of relationships people have with Jesus. Which one are you? Secret admirer.John 3:1-2“There was a man named Nicodemus, a Jewish religious leader who was a Pharisee. 2 After dark one evening, he came to speak…

Great Expectations

What are your expectations for 2021? In this message, pastor Jamie Nunnally shares the significance of expectations and his top two expectations for 2021. What are expectations?Expectations are assumed outcomes.God is an optimist. Your expectations affect your quality of life.You usually find what you’re looking for.When disappointed, asking the question “What was I…

Christmas Playlist part 3: Silent Night

Can Jesus relate to the mess of our lives? Many Christmas songs give off this idea that the birth of Jesus was unrealistically quiet, calm and peaceful. The problem, life is usually NOT silent, NOT peaceful and NOT calm, especially around Christmas! Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares that If we idealize the birth of Jesus too much, we might miss the main message of Christmas:…

Christmas Playlist Pt 1: A Thrill of Hope

Hopelessness can be rough. Have you been hopeless?In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares the remedy for hopelessness. What is Hope?Hope is the confident expectation that something will happen.Hope is not wanting something to happen, it’s knowing something will happen.When someone loses hope in a situation, they take on the identity of defeat in that area:…

How To Hear the Voice of God

God wants you to hear his voice. Of course God speaks, He is literally the Word! (John 1:1). You were created to hear the voice of God (Romans 8:16). God gave you a spirit so you could talk to His Spirit. You were saved to hear the voice of God (Hebrews 8:10). What does the voice of God sound like? 1 Kings 19:12 “still small voice.” Your “silent voice” is your thoughts.…