"money" Tagged Sermons

"money" Tagged Sermons

Open Handed, Part 2: Money Problems

Do you have “money problems”?  The world says you have “money problems” when you don’t have money. The Bible says you have “money problems” when money has you. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares warnings and remedies in our struggle with money.  Being open handed is adopting a lifestyle of holding loosely to your resources so you can live a generous…

Ho Ho Holy pt 1: Turkey and Stressing

Are you having turkey and stressing? Holidays can simultaneously be the happiest and most stressful times of the year. Margins are key to reducing stress. Margins are the difference between your current activity and maximum capacity. In this message Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares about two areas which get out of balance quickly during the holiday season. He gives clear…

Passing the Test Part 2: Prosperity

There are tests that all Christians must go through. Will you be able to pass the “Prosperity Test”?       Can you handle prosperity? Do you know that you are rich? Can you be trusted with riches? Does it matter how you handle money when you don’t have much?  In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally answers these questions and more.           Instead of being…