"relationship" Tagged Sermons

"relationship" Tagged Sermons

Biting the Apple Pt. 1 – What is Sin?

Many Christians seem either obsessed with calling out sin or they ignore it altogether. But what does the Bible say? In this message, Pastor Jamie shares what you need to know about sin. What is sin?To sin is to do something wrong or to trespass. Sin is any behavior, whether done intentionally or accidentally, that is outside of God’s boundaries. Romans 3:23 “for all have…

Idol Minds Part 2: People

Do you have idols in your life? Did you know that people can be idols in your life? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares a warning and a remedy concerning our relationships. An idol is anything or anyone we allow to take the place of God in our lives, anything or anyone we worship, anything or anyone that you serve. We must choose who we will serve: your default…

I Have Decided part 2: Follow the Leader

Did you ever play Follow The Leader? In this message Pastor Jamie Nunnally explains that discipleship is simply doing what your leader does. The word disciple appears over 200 times in the New Testament. “Christian” only 3. The Bible is a book about disciples written by disciples, intended to be read by disciples. What is a disciple?A disciple is an apprentice: someone…