"Thomasville" Tagged Sermons

"Thomasville" Tagged Sermons

Wishlist, Part 2: Peace // Jamie Nunnally

This Christmas, God doesn’t just want to give you what you think you want, but what you really want. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares how God wants to give you peace. Luke 2:14 NKJV “Glory to God in highest, and peace on earth, goodwill towards men. What is peace?  1. Peace does not come from inactivity. 1 Peter 3:11 NKJV (Psalm 34:14) –…

Revival Fire

Revival is a time of spiritual renewal and awakening that transforms a community or region. A revival occurs when people have a renewed passion for God or are awakened spiritually in the Lord. A community-transforming revival moves outside of the church building. This kind of revival touches every part of society. Revival at Pentecost:The first Christian revival that…