Sermons from 2025

Sermons from 2025

On Repeat, Part 2: Loyalty // Jamie Nunnally

We all long for loyalty but human loyalty has limits. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally, shares about loyalty that we can depend on.   Psalm 8:4 ESV What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? It doesn’t make sense. Because although God doesn’t need us, evidently He wants us. Exodus 34:6 ESV The Lord passed…

On Repeat, Part 1: Security // Eric Robertson

Do you feel insecure? The desire to feel secure is foundational for psychological development. In part one of our series On Repeat: The Psalms’ Greatest Hits, Pastor Eric Robertson explores one of the most powerful themes in the Psalms—security. As human beings, we all seek stability, but no amount of money, success, or preparation can provide the unshakable…

Level Up, Part 3: Rest // Eric Robertson

Here is the problem: According to the  World Health Organization, 40% of 10,000 people surveyed reported suffering from burnout in 2023. Burnout is a recognized psychological condition that results in physical and emotional fatigue, where we feel tired and lack motivation. It closely resembles depression. Analyzing the Problem: ·      …