What is the Bible?
- The Bible is not a book, but a collection of 66 books. (anthology)
It was written by 40 authors in three languages, on three continents, over 1500 years. - The Bible is the story of God’s interaction with humanity.
- The Bible is the word of God. The word “word” means the expression or communication of God. There are multiple ways God communicates: the written word (the bible), the spoken word (the holy Spirit), and the living word (Jesus).
- The Bible is useful for spiritual growth.
- The Bible contains information that is meant to be applied.
- The Bible serves as an anchor for doctrine.
- The Bible is the treasure map, Jesus is the treasure.
Practical tips for reading the Bible:
- Choose a specific time and place.
- Use multiple translations and tools. (NKJV, NLT, ESV, AMP, Message, Passion)
- Utilize the YouVersion Bible app and their plans. (it will read to you!)
- Be aware of what you’re reading. OT v NT. Who wrote it, who was it written to, why was it written? (Focus on your covenant)
- Read for relationship.
Instruction manual vs love letter. Pray before you read and take it slow (don’t need to finish in a year)
Are you reading the Bible the way God wants you to?