Elephants 2024, Part 2: The Secret to Health // Tiffany Nunnally

Elephants 2024, Part 2: The Secret to Health // Tiffany Nunnally

Does physical health matter for a Christian? In this message, Tiffany Nunnally shares the secret to health. 

For too long, the church has ignored the topic of physical health, or at the very least put it in a separate box from the rest of our spiritual lives. 

The secret to health is to invite the Lord into your everyday habits, and to rethink your current mindset about food, fitness, and faith.

We have to invite the Holy Spirit into this part of our lives, then listen and obey as He leads us. 

Disclaimer #1: In attempting to convince you of God’s plan for your physical health… God often uses doctors and medicine, but we must remember that the natural and supernatural work together. 

Disclaimer #2: If you feel offended or ashamed at any point this morning, it’s not coming from the Lord, and it’s not judgment from me.  Everything I’m telling you today are things the Lord has taught me and corrected in my own life. 

Here are 3 truths for you to consider as we confront this issue of physical health.

Truth #1

God cares about how you treat your body 

1 Cor. 6:19-20

If you don’t have a relationship with God, you have to start there. You can’t hear and trust the voice of someone you don’t know. 

Rules = Religion  —> eventual failure (trust is in your own ability & rituals; self-reliant) 

Relationship = Results —> long term success (trust is in listening to God’s voice; God-reliant) 

Diets are the dead religion of the health world. 

Truth #2

God wants to release you from what enslaves you

Romans 6:16 

Recognize that food and drinks can be an idol and repent when you realize you’ve been turning to them for comfort instead of the comforter. Whatever occupies your thoughts, time, and money has your heart.

Truth #3

Your body is a work of art that requires maintenance 

Psalm 139:14 

Ephesians 2:10 

1 Cor. 6:20 

1 Cor. 9:27

God wants to heal you preemptively by keeping you from getting sick in the first place.

Rapid-fire practical advice: 

-Get rid of the “All or Nothing” mentality.

-Good nutrition & physical fitness go hand in hand. What you eat affects your quality of life.

-Change happens by starting where you are, and using what you have. Small consistencies create bigger change than big leaps on unstable legs.

 -Being healthy is more important than how you look. 

-Focus on the do’s and not the don’ts. 

2 Cor. 12:9 

-Be aware of who is influencing your health choices. You are usually a byproduct of your 5 closest friends.

– Eat real food.

The key to any change is to start.  The you in the future will thank the you right now if you start your health journey with the Lord. 

Have you invited the Lord into your health?