Elephants in the Room 2022, Part 1: God, Gender & the Trans Community

Elephants in the Room 2022, Part 1: God, Gender & the Trans Community

Elephants in the Room” is an annual sermon series where we face tough topics and sensitive subjects head on. Jesus was the fullness of grace and truth. Grace offends the religious, truth offends the rebellious. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally applies grace and truth to the topic of gender.

What does the Bible say about sex and gender?

Genesis 1:27 “So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Deuteronomy 22:5

1 Corinthians 11:14-15

Bottom line: Scripture speaks of sex and gender as binary and fixed, male and female only. Scripture does not get “updated” by culture.

What does current culture say about sex and gender?

While the word gender used to be synonymous with biological sex, it began to be used differently in the mid20th century by researchers & took root in culture about 50 years ago.

Most people I’ve talked to who support these things are NOT trying to influence children towards transgenderism—they’re trying to show compassion. But they’re doing it by abandoning the truth, which is harmful.

How should the church respond?

  1. Distinguish between people with gender dysphoria and gender-identity activists.

Galatians 6:1-2

We need to help those who are confused and tell them gender and biological sex are NOT unrelated. Stop telling kids they have to act a certain way to be a boy or girl. Gender dysphoria is not “cool” to have. People with this condition are in crisis (41% of trans adults try to commit suicide).

The church is a hospital, Jesus is the physician and Christians are the nurses – get to work!

  1. Encourage people to find their identity in Christ.

John 1:12-13

  1. Show others how to utilize God’s tool of mind renewal.

Romans 12:2

If the body doesn’t match the mind, change the mind, not the body.

  1. Don’t forget that Christians fight differently!

2 Corinthians 10:4-5

How should you respond to a loved one struggling with their gender identity?

  1. Protect your relationship with them.

To reach someone you have to meet them where they are, not where you wish they were. Do not destroy your relationship with someone in order to prove to them you are right.

  1. Pray for them and with them.

You can’t save anyone, but you can lead them to the Savior.

  1. Embrace an eternal perspective.

Gender is not eternal state – male and female are not forever. Christians are the most effective when we are “at your feet” instead of “in your face.”

If you’re struggling with gender identity, we love you and we want to see you happy, healthy and confident in who you are in Christ. VFC is not an “affirming” church, but we are an “accepting” church.

Resources: “Understanding Gender Dysphoria,” Mark Yarhouse

Will you let God determine what you think about gender?