Great Expectations

Great Expectations

What are your expectations for 2021? In this message, pastor Jamie Nunnally shares the significance of expectations and his top two expectations for 2021.

What are expectations?
Expectations are assumed outcomes.
God is an optimist.

Your expectations affect your quality of life.
You usually find what you’re looking for.
When disappointed, asking the question “What was I expecting?” often helps identify why you feel the way you do about what happened.

Two things I am expecting for 2021:

  1. To abide in Christ.
    John 15:4
    The Abiding Circle : God is the central point from which all other areas of your life flow.
  2. To be used however God wants.
    Romans 12:13-16
    We love God by loving others.
    God considers serving others the same as serving Him.

Matt 25:37-40
You don’t have to choose between helping others and helping yourself. Don’t wait to get your life together to start serving others. Serving others is HOW you get your life together.

Matthew 20:25-28
A servant mentality will grow as spiritual maturity grows.

Do you have great expectations for 2021?