I Have Decided part 2: Follow the Leader

I Have Decided part 2: Follow the Leader

Did you ever play Follow The Leader? In this message Pastor Jamie Nunnally explains that discipleship is simply doing what your leader does.

The word disciple appears over 200 times in the New Testament. “Christian” only 3. The Bible is a book about disciples written by disciples, intended to be read by disciples.

What is a disciple?
A disciple is an apprentice: someone who learns by doing.
John 8:31-32

“A disciple is a person who has decided that the most important thing in their life is to learn how to do what Jesus said to do.” — Dallas Willard

Who can be a disciple of Jesus?
Matthew 4:18-22, Matthew 9:9

The goal of Christianity is not behavior modification, but heart transformation—with the understanding that as your heart changes, your conduct will change.

How do we follow the leader?
Matthew 28:18-20

  1. A disciple embraces Jesus’ authority, not their own.
    In the game follow the leader, there has to be one leader!
  2. A disciple is baptized – Immersed.
    In the game follow the leader you have to be committed to play!
  3. A disciple allows themselves to be taught.In the game of follow the leader, you have to you have to pay attention to what the leader is doing.
  4. A disciple observes and obeys.
    In the game of follow the leader you must do what you see.
  5. A disciple places value on being with Jesus.
    In the game of follow the leader you can’t follow if you’re not in close enough proximity.

Jesus followers aren’t called to create Christians but to develop disciples!

Are you a disciple who is following the leader?