Iconic, Part 4: Terminator Jesus // Jamie Nunnally

Iconic, Part 4: Terminator Jesus // Jamie Nunnally

People tend to visualize of Jesus based on who they are, not who He is.

Hebrews 13:8-9a 

Terminator Jesus is adopted by Christians who are mad at the world and frustrated with the church. They want to leverage Jesus as judge to wipe out those they don’t like.

Remember the story of Jonah? Why did he run from God’s call?

Jonah 4:1-2 

The Ninevites were Jonah’s enemies and he wanted God to destroy them, but he knew that God wanted to save them.

Jonah 4:11 

Terminator Jesus, who hates the people you hate, is not the real Jesus.

Three signs that you’re following Terminator Jesus:

1. You weaponize God’s word against other people.

God’s word is for people, not against people.

Hebrews 4:12 

The word exposes OUR thoughts and desires, not THEIRS. We read the word, so that the word can read us.

God’s word is designed to be mirror for seeing your own issues clearly, not a pair of binoculars to see others’ issues clearly.

2. You root for other people’s destruction.

1 John 2:2 “He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world.”

Now that Jesus has come, there is no longer a “them” for “us” to rally around. The enemy’s plan is to divide and conquer, God’s plan is to unite and conquer.

Unbelievers aren’t your enemy.

When you don’t think heaven is for everyone, you’re OK with people going to hell.

Christians don’t fight AGAINST unbelievers, we fight FOR unbelievers.

Ever wondered why Christians don’t go to heaven as soon as they get saved? Because you are here on earth to become a part of Jesus’ rescue mission. You were not just saved from the world, but for the world.

What do we do instead of rooting for people’s destruction?

1 Peter 3:9 

Don’t get even, get blessed. Why would you want to be “even” with someone that hurts others, anyway? Jesus said love your enemies. Why? So you would be like him—because you were His enemy!

3. Judgement triumphs over mercy.

James 2:13

NLT – “There will be no mercy for those who have not shown mercy to others. But if you have been merciful, God will be merciful when he judges you.”

James 1:20 

You can’t bully someone into the kingdom of God.

We should judge actions, but we should not judge people.

What about the wrath of God?

Romans 2:4-5 

Judgement is coming, but is not yet. And when judgement does come, it won’t be you doing it because you don’t qualify as someone else’s judge.

2 Corinthians 10:6 

Jesus’ obedience is complete, so He gets to punish other people’s disobedience. Your obededience is not complete, so you don’t get to punish anyone.

Who do you say that He is?

Do you worship Terminator Jesus?