Lockdown Lessons

Lockdown Lessons

Have you changed your life during a time of crisis? Afterward, when returning to “normal”, it’s important to consider which parts of “normal” are worth returning to.

Many times when the pain goes away, the change goes away. Give meaning to your pain by redeeming your pain.
God is turning this interruption into an invitation: will you learn my lessons from this lockdown?

5 lessons I hope we are learning from this lock down:

  1. You are in charge of feeding yourself spiritually. 1 Peter 2:2-3

The strength of your roots determines your ability to bend in the storm.

  1. Your family needs you. Acts 16:29-34
  2. Prepare your finances for the future. Luke 16:11
  3. The problem isn’t time, its time management. Ephesians 5:15-16

You don’t have to have everything your way to be happy. Having everything you want when you want it is not happiness—it’s selfishness.

  1. Christians use our freedom to serve others instead serving of ourselves. Galatians 5:13

You don’t have to choose between helping others and helping yourself.

What lockdown lessons are you learning?

This moment can be a wake up call. But it will only be a wake up call for you if you actually wake up. Don’t press snooze. Don’t go back to the way things were.