Surviving the Wilderness

Surviving the Wilderness

Have you experienced a wilderness season? In this message, Pastor Eric Robertson shares how you can survive and grow in your wilderness season.

What is a Wilderness Season?
A wilderness season is a period in a believer’s spiritual life where they may feel isolated, under-equipped, vulnerable, or unfruitful.

Things that used to work don’t work anymore. You may feel like you aren’t experiencing the presence or grace of God like you once did. All throughout scripture we see people, God’s people going through this wilderness experience.

Moses and the Israelites are pushed into the wilderness to escape slavery in Egypt: Prepped for Promise
David in 1 Samuel 23: 14 is forced into the wilderness because of King Saul’s attempt to kill him: Prepped for Calling
Elijah fled into the wilderness after killing the prophets of Baal: Learned to hear
Jesus was led by the wilderness by the Spirit after his baptism
Paul spent 2 years in the wilderness after his conversion.

In the wilderness, God takes things that we think are optional and makes them automatic.

  1. The Wilderness is not a place of persecution, it’s a place of provision. (Israel: Exodus 16: 12-15)
  2. The Wilderness is the transition from bad to good and from good to great. When God is trying to move us to a new level of ministry or authority, the training grounds of the wilderness gives us the discipline and strength to prepare for the weight of God’s plan. There is no way to get the results without the process. (David: 1 Samuel 24: 5-6)

What temptations should we watch out for?

Luke 4: 1-13, The Temptation of Jesus

  1. Self-Reliance (Luke 4:3-4): In the wilderness there is always a temptation
    to rely on yourself and what you know versus relying on God and his wisdom. Don’t let your giftings get in the way of your calling.
    Jeremiah 17: 5-8

2.Short-cuts (Luke 4:5-8): Jesus was tempted with the very thing he came to accomplish.
Jesus knew that the only way to bring those things was through his death.

The temptation to skip the wilderness is dangerous because it gives you responsibility
without wisdom.

  1. Significance (Luke 4:9-12): Jesus’ temptation wasn’t just tempting God, it was the temptation to chase significance, fame, and being known. It is better to be known by God than to be famous to the world.
    Matthew 16:26

How do you Survive the Wilderness Season?

  1. Don’t Panic-there’s a purpose behind the pain.
  2. Keep Your Eyes on Jesus: You’re there for a reason. Be thankful that God cares for you enough to give you this season of training.
    Hebrews 12: 2, 11
  3. Allow God to prune you- Wilderness seasons often precede a time of
    more fruitful ministry or increased authority. Pruning cuts away the good to
    make room for the great.
    John 15:2

Are you surviving the wilderness?