Elephants 2024, Part 3: The Sex Talk // Jamie Nunnally

Elephants 2024, Part 3: The Sex Talk // Jamie Nunnally

Are your views of sex biblical? In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares what the Bible says about sex. This message does not target anyone, VFC does not hate anyone, everyone is invited to worship, and questions are welcomed.

We’re looking at sex from a biblical perspective today and see which beliefs we hold are cultural, and which are scriptural.

There are three ways Christians typically view sex: dirty, idolatry, or holy

5 Biblical truths about sex:

1. Sex has a designer.

Genesis 2:25 

When unaffected by sin, sex a good gift from a good God.

2. Sex has a purpose.

The designer of a thing determines the purpose of a thing.

Sex has two main purposes: 

  1. Creating children. 
  2. Spiritual glue

1 Cor. 6:13 

Sex is not just a physical-only activity like food is.  

1 Cor. 6:15-17 Sex is joining yourself to another person.

There is no such thing as a one-night stand because sex, by design, stays with you after its over.  

There is no such thing as “just sex.”

3. Sex has boundaries.

In order for sex to remain good, it must be used according to the designer’s purpose. Helpful things become harmful things when used outside of their boundaries.

Fornication, or sexual immorality, is any sexual activity outside of God’s boundaries and beyond God’s purposes.

1 Corinthians 6:18  

God’s biblical behavioral boundaries for sex:

One man, one woman, consensual, and protected by marriage commitment.

The following behaviors are types  of sexual immorality:

– Sex before marriage. (Christianese, part 2: Fornication – June 11, 2017) It’s dangerous to bond yourself to someone who hasn’t committed to you.

 – Co-habitation. (Elephants in the Room 2018, part 1: Aug 5th 2018)

 – Pornography. (More Elephants, part 3: Aug 21st 2016) Porn is sin: it hurts the people in it, it hurts the people watching it, it hurts marriages, it is addictive like the worst drugs, and its one of the main reasons why human trafficking exists.  

– Homosexuality. (Loving the LGBT Community, Aug 25th 2019) Same sex relationships are not God’s design for humanity. Because of our sin nature, we are all born with desires that are outside of God’s boundaries for sexual behavior, Having a desire is not a sin; acting on it is.

 – Incest, Bestiality and Rape. The Bible records these things but never condones these things.

 – Adultery. (Elephants 2021, part 2 – Aug 8, 2021) Adultery is devastating to a marriage because it destroys the very thing a marriage is based on—trust.

4. Sex should be a regular part of a healthy marriage.

Since sex is for marriage, sex should be good in marriage.

1 Corinthians 7:2-5

Practice good sex!

5. You can receive forgiveness for sexual sin.

Sexual sin is not unforgivable sin. If you’ve made mistakes in the past, you can be free.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Repent, receive his grace and make Jesus Lord of your sex life. Become a holysexual.

Have you surrendered your sex life Jesus?