I Have Decided Part3: What Did Jesus Do?

I Have Decided Part3: What Did Jesus Do?

Have you ever heard someone ask “What would Jesus do?” That question is answered when we look at scripture and ask “What DID Jesus do?” In this message, Pastor Jamie shares about what Jesus did so that we Jesus-followers know what we should expect to be doing as well.

We can know what would Jesus do when we look at what did Jesus do.

Jesus is our example:
1 Peter 2:21“…He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.”
1 John 2:6“Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.”
Your Jesus-talk is supposed authenticated by your Jesus-walk.
1 John 4:17“…as he is so also are we in this world.”
We are Jesus’ representatives. A representative re-presents something or someone to the world around them.

Three Things Jesus Did That We Should Also Do: Words, Works and Wonders.

  1. Words. Jesus used words to preach the gospel of the kingdom.
    Matthew 4:17, 2 Corinthians 5:19-20
  2. Works. Jesus did good works that demonstrated the love of God.
    John 9:4, Matthew 5:16
    Love people until they ask “why?” and then tell them about Jesus.
  3. Wonders. The wonders that Jesus did demonstrated God’s existence and love.
    Acts 2:22
    Mark 16:17-18 The supernatural is natural for followers of Jesus.
    John 14:12
    Romans 15:19
    The supernatural is how we fully preach the gospel.

Are you doing what Jesus did? Are continuing his words, works, and wonders?