I Will Fear No Evil // Jamie Nunnally

I Will Fear No Evil // Jamie Nunnally

We’ll often phrase questions about the existence of evil as, “Why do bad things happen to good people?”

There’s a problem with this question: there are no good people. If we view the problem evil through the lens of our goodness, we will see ourselves as victims. But when we see the problem of evil through the lens of God’s goodness, we will see ourselves as victors.

Scripture tells us that God is good. James 1:16-17

Like the lights in the sky, His goodness is constant. When life is bad, God is good. Don’t get mad at God during times of pain, run to God during times of pain. John 10:10

God is the solution to, not the author of life’s tragedies. Matthew 7:11

If your theology has your heavenly Father doing things that we would put an earthly father in jail for doing, you need to change your theology.

Why do bad things happen? Bad things happen for three reasons:

1. We make bad

God didn’t create evil, He created the ability to make choices. Evil is not a thing but an absence of a thing, like dark and light. When we “turn down” God, we turn down good and we are left with bad. Every one of us is good at making bad decisions. Romans 5:12

Why did God create choice? So we could love Him and love others. You can’t love without the possibly of not loving. Joshua 24:15

The pain in this world doesn’t reflect on God’s goodness, it reflects on our brokenness.

2. Our spiritual 1 Peter 5:8-9

We have an evil and active adversary. 1 John 5:19
Ephesians 2:2

2 Corinthians 4:4

We live behind enemy lines. Don’t blame God for what the devil does.

3. Our broken Romans 8:19-22

This planet is sick with sin, just like humanity is. Natural disasters aren’t “acts of God” but “results of sin.” Genetic disorders, viruses, contagions, infections are the natural result of a fallen world.

Why doesn’t God just stop bad things from happening?

1. God is

Love does what’s best for the other person. Pain is necessary to let us know something is wrong. If God shielded you from your spiritual sickness, you would think everything is fine, and die in your sins before receiving the antidote.

2. God is a good . 

Good parents know that children must experience consequences.

How can we fear no evil?

1. Deal with .

 2 Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.

Worry is a fear response when you feel out of control. Renew your mind and retrain your brain.

2. Be prepared to .

Ephesians 6:10-11

3. Expect things.

Romans 8:28

Anything bad that happens to us, God is going to make good.

4. Be ready to meet           

Luke 13:1-5

Do you fear evil or do you fight evil?