On Repeat, Part 4: Adversity // Jamie Nunnally

On Repeat, Part 4: Adversity // Jamie Nunnally

Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

On Repeat, Part 4: Adversity // Jamie Nunnally

March 23, 2025

Adversity is a normal part of life, and a normal part of the Christian life. In this message, Pastor Jamie Nunnally reveals what we should remember as we walk through adversity. 

1 Peter 4:12 NLT

God allows adversity because it matures us. So how do we not just go through adversity, but grow through adversity?

The key to overcoming adversity is remembrance.  Biblical remembrance is actively recalling and expecting God’s past goodness to happen again in the future.

Psalm 77:7-12 NLT is a perfect example of how remembrance defeats the discouragement of adversity.

This psalmist had very real feelings. You can choose to dwell on your feelings, or you can choose to remember God’s faithfulness. 

What should we remember during times of adversity?

1. Remember to pray.

Prayer is communication with God. It’s talking to Him and letting Him talk to you.

Psalm 34:17-18 NLT 

Adversity is coming. Don’t start panicking, start praying!

2. Remember to praise.

Praise and worship is the pathway into God’s presence.

Psalm 34:1 NLT 

Your praise is a powerful weapon. Stop worrying, start worshipping.

Psalm 57:8 NLT

Praise and worship is an act of defiance against adversity.

3. Remember to be patient.

Psalm 37:7a NLT 

Patience is a muscle you can flex, and a mature Christian works it out. 

4. Remember God’s perspective.

Life’s trials are like puzzle pieces—you don’t see the full picture yet, but God does. Adopt His perspective.

Psalm 30:5b NLT

Adversity is fleeting, but God’s faithfulness is forever.

5. Remember God’s promises.

Psalm 119:50

If God fulfilled His promises in the past, you can be sure He’ll fulfill His promises in the future.

6. Remember God’s people.

The Church isn’t just a place to go to; it’s a people to grow with.

Psalm 133:1 NIV 

Isolation weakens; community strengthens. A single coal removed from the fire quickly dies out. Stay connected to the flame.

Prov 17:17 NIV

We don’t pull away from one another during hard times; we press in.

7. Remember God’s purpose.

Psalm 57:2 

When you forget God’s purpose, you forfeit His peace.

Romans 8:28

When life shakes you, stand on what God has said, not what you see.

In the 1968 Olympics, Tanzanian runner John Stephen Akhwari was injured in a fall during the marathon. Despite dislocating his knee, injuring his shoulder, and being in excruciating pain, he refused to quit. Hours after the race ended, he limped across the finish line. When asked why he kept going, he said: “My country did not send me 5,000 miles to start the race; they sent me to finish it.”

God didn’t bring you this far to leave you now. Adversity is part of the race, but finishing with faith is what matters.

Hebrews 12:1 Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

How are you responding to adversity?