Prepare to Die, Part 2: What is Heaven Like? // Larry Nunnally

Prepare to Die, Part 2: What is Heaven Like? // Larry Nunnally

Victory Fellowship Church Podcast

Prepare to Die, Part 2: What is Heaven Like? // Larry Nunnally

February 11, 2024

Are you ready to die? You don’t know the day or time that you will die, but you can prepare now. In this message, Larry Nunnally shares his testimony of being resuscitated after a massive heart attack. We also will learn about the eternal rewards available to followers of Jesus. 

We are all building an eternal legacy and can receive eternal rewards. 

1 Corinthians 3:11-15

What determines our eternal rewards?

  1. Loving Jesus and His Kingdom through prayer, study, and fellowship. 
  2. Loving and serving other people. 
  3. Making disciples of those around us. 

God wants a BIG family, and we are privileged to help Him build it!

2 Timothy 4:7-8

What increases Eternal Rewards?

  1. Be obedient to God’s word and God’s leading. 
  2. Learn from your leaders and mentors. 
  3. Don’t Quit!

What hinders Eternal Rewards?

  1. Sin and selfish living will burn up in the fire of judgement. 
  2. Good ideas that aren’t “God” ideas will burn up. 
  3. Procrastination blocks eternal rewards. 

Eternity is like an endless road. Our life on earth is like One Step on the journey. Give your life to Jesus and make the journey with Him. 

What we do in this life determines where we spend eternity and how we spend eternity.