Prepare to Die, Part 4: Dealing With Grief // Jamie Nunnally

Prepare to Die, Part 4: Dealing With Grief // Jamie Nunnally

Do you sometimes feel stuck mourning a loss? In this message, Pastor Jamie will share how to deal with grief. 

Things I want you to know about grief:

Grief is a normal, healthy response to loss, pain, and death.

John 16:20a

Water washes – in the natural we have to clean a wound. Think of crying as cleaning an emotional wound.   

There are two wrong ways to grieve: distraction and despair.

1) Distraction is when we try to numb ourselves to how we feel. The problem is, you can’t distract yourself out of grief. Feelings are meant to be felt. Talk it out with someone close to you or you’ll take it out on someone close you.

Proverbs 13:14

Don’t try to run from grief, instead run to God in your grief.

2) Despair is when grief becomes our identity.

Psalm 31:10

Don’t wallow in your grief; worship in your grief and fight off despair.  

Christians follow Christ so we should grieve how Jesus grieved.

Isaiah 53:3 

John 11:35 “Jesus wept”

How we grieve reveals what we believe. 

The best thing you can do for someone grieving is to just be there with them.

Proverbs 18:13

Grieving people don’t need your mouth, they need your ears.

God doesn’t take away our grief—He adds good things to it.

Antivenom doesn’t remove the venom from the body, but bonds with the venom and causes it to no longer be harmful. God will add things to your life like “anti-grief” so that the grief won’t harm you.

Four things God will add to your grief:

1. Peace.

Philippians 4:6-7

Thankfulness requires that you don’t lose perspective on what you already have in order to receive something else.

You can grieve and have peace at the same time, if you invite the Lord into your grief.

2. Joy.

John 16:20

Don’t ask why, ask who. 

3. Comfort.

Matthew 5:4

When you are grieving, you are now in a unique position to experience God in a way you’ve never experienced Him before.

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

God’s comfort is an inexhaustible resource. When you give it away, you still keep it.

4. Hope.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

If Jesus were to come back tonight, you’d get a front row seat to your loved-ones’ resurrection.

While walking through grief, face East. 

Almost every grave in every cemetery in the US is facing east. Why? Because Jesus will come back in the East. People are buried facing and expecting their resurrection. As you walk through grief, face East—expect the promise of Jesus to come true for you and those you’ve lost. Don’t give up hope. Don’t give into despair. Face East.

How are you dealing with grief?