Revival Fire

Revival Fire

Revival is a time of spiritual renewal and awakening that transforms a community or region. A revival occurs when people have a renewed passion for God or are awakened spiritually in the Lord. A community-transforming revival moves outside of the church building. This kind of revival touches every part of society.

Revival at Pentecost:
The first Christian revival that shook the world is recorded in the book of Acts. Acts 1:4-8, chapter 2. This move of the Holy Spirit transformed those who were touched. They moved from fear to boldly proclaiming the Good News of Jesus. The same Holy Spirit that moved at Pentecost is here today. This kind of experience is available for us today.
In that first great revival at Pentecost, over 3,000 Jewish people came to Christ. The fire of the Spirit that was poured out on Pentecost spread from Jerusalem. By the year 300 around 14 million people called themselves Christians.

There have been many times of revival and outpouring in cities, regions, and nations:
Zinzendorf and the Moravians (100 years of continuous prayer).
The First Great Awakening (1730s & 1740s)
Red River Revival in Kentucky (1797)
Cane Ridge (1801) which led to The Second Great Awakening
NYC Prayer Revival (1857) The Prayer Meeting Revival
Welsh Revival (1904-1905)
Azusa Street Revival (1908)
Hebrides Revival (1949) – Scotland coast

We expect an awakening revival in Thomasville, GA
Revival may not come in the way we imagine. The Lord often shocks our sensibilities so that only those who are really hungry for more will enter into the fullness of what He pours out for us.
Precursors to Revival: Desperation, hunger, repentance, prayer

Why do we need revival? We desperately need a move of God to see our city saved. There are people we all know that need this kind of outpouring of Holy Spirit in order to come to Christ. There are people who will never know Jesus unless an awakening revival spread over this region. There are dark places in our community that can only be healed by a transforming move of the Holy Spirit.
This is God’s heart for our city: A city of refuge, a city of hope, a place apart, a place set apart for His glory, a place of healing, where breath is restored.
Revival in all its forms is a movement of the Holy Spirit.

1 Thessalonians 5:19. Simply says: Do not quench the Holy Spirit — To quench is to put out a fire. Here the Holy Spirit is compared to fire.

This is the time to feed the fire that has been kindled in Thomasville and in our hearts.
This is the season we have been waiting for. It’s time for revival.
This is the season that generations have prayed into.
Are you all in?
It costs something. It costs your time, your focus, your resources, your life.
He’s not asking for mental consent that He is Lord.
He is asking for everything.
Will you lay it all down and walk with Him?