Second Best

Second Best

Have you ever been treated like “second best”? Or maybe there is a time in your life that you have felt rejected? In this message, Chance Holt shares how to overcome feelings of rejection and walk in your identity in Christ

If so, you are in good company. We see in scripture where Jesus was rejected, on multiple occasions.

Genesis 29:31-35 / Leah just wants to be accepted.

What is Rejection?
The act of not accepting, believing, or considering something.
We have all had a time in our life when we felt not considered?
There are multiple ways to respond to rejection. We see them expressed by emotions, but all these emotions start by believing a lie that the enemy is telling you.

John 10:10 / the thief’s purpose is to steal kill and destroy.

Lie #1
Jesus doesn’t understand, because he didn’t experience rejection like me.
John 7:5 / for even his brothers didn’t believe in him. Jesus experienced a lot of rejection from family and friends.

Lie #2
He didn’t experience the pain that I do though, because he is Jesus
Hebrews 4:15/ This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testing we do, yet he did not sin.

How do we overcome and make it through rejection?

1) Pursue a relationship with Healthy Christians
Proverbs 18:24
*Here at VFC. It looks like Lifegroups, school of ministry, MT’s, Youth Group/children, Young Adults, Sunday mornings and other groups
around town

2) Expect rejection
Matthew 13:57
*Jesus made sure that he looked different from the world.
Therefore he expected to be rejected. Do you look different?
(Don’t be a people pleaser, speak the truth with love.)

3) Live a life of forgiveness and love
Luke 6:28&29, 31

4) Base your worth on God’s plan and love for you. Ephesians 1:5&6
*The thing that got Jesus through this world, was knowing God’s love and purpose for him.
*The only way for us to not allow lasting results from rejection is by knowing God’s love for us.
(There is value in your purpose when your purpose is found in God)

Christians have the same problems as the world, we just have a better solution.

Matthew 27:39-44 / while experiencing some of the worst rejection and pain known to man, hanging on the cross. Jesus performed another miracle.

This miracle was for us all. It was the miracle of REDEMPTION.

Redeem- to gain or regain possession of (to buy back). The complete opposite of rejection.

Matthew 1:1-16 / Our God is so big and mighty that he used a bloodline of a completely rejected and unwanted woman named Leah to bring our savior into this world.

Are you believing the lies of the enemy? Or do you find your value through the rejection in God’s purpose for you?