This is My Story 2023: Cynthia Bryan

This is My Story 2023: Cynthia Bryan

I invite you to put yourself in the story. This is your family story. If you are a Christian, then we are family, and this is a part of your family story, because it’s all about our father. This is a story about the heart of your Heavenly Father. It expresses His heart toward you and how He wants to move through you.

  1. Family Background: History of infertility and miscarriage, death of a child. We had a son after 12 years of marriage; then adopted a teen-aged daughter from Ukraine.
  2. God moved in 3 countries to bring a second daughter out of Ukraine during the war and into the security of our family. We faced many obstacles and the journey seemed impossible, but God made the way.
  3. Psalm 113:9 says “He [God] gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!”
  4. What God has taught me through this ongoing adventure with Him and some things He might be speaking to you:
    1. Receive God’s love for you and for others: This is a story of God’s miraculous intervention. This story demonstrates His heart for the one alone and in distress. It was God’s heart for our daughter that made this happen. It was not my love and compassion in going after her, God gave me His heart. Do you recognize God’s extravagant love for you? Will you take the risk to give Him your heart? 

Maybe you know his love for you. God works through His children to demonstrate His radical love. Will you allow Him to work through you?

  1. Listen: God speaks. Make room to hear Him. Seek Him/ Follow God with all your heart even when you don’t see the promise fulfilled. Listen for God’s Voice: Position yourself to hear Him. Learn to hear Him. Treasure His instruction.
  2. Obey–When we yield to Him, God does things that we couldn’t do on our own. Your obedience may lead to you answered prayer. There were so many times that we could have given up.

Don’t be afraid. Or, do it afraid. Either way, take the next step. What adventure awaits when we partner with God to attempt the impossible! Trust God. 2 Timothy 1:7 7

  1. How is God speaking to you right now?
    1. (Receive) Is He revealing His heart toward you. Do you recognize how He has pursued you? Will you say ‘Yes’ to His invitation to follow Him?
    2. (Listen) Do you need to make room in your life in your schedule to hear His voice? What changes do you need to make?
    3. (Obey) Maybe you’ve heard God’s voice and you need to take a step toward where He is calling you. Will you say “yes” to His invitation to follow Him? Yes to this adventure with God.