This is My Story 2023: Virgil Thomas

This is My Story 2023: Virgil Thomas

Stories are powerful. Your past can help someone’s future. In this message, Virgil Thomas shares his story of childhood trauma, transformation through Jesus, and the call to evangelism. 

Virgil grew up in the south side of Chicago. He experienced a childhood of trauma in a dysfunctional family.  He only heard mention of Jesus 3 times in his childhood. But, as a teenager, he encountered people who shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with him. 

The Lord provided a beautiful environment for his spiritual childhood; he was discipled and trained. 

Virgil and his wife, Veronica, worked as ministers, including starting churches in Kenya.

God used Virgil to impact the lives of many through his willingness to follow God’s direction. 

You may think, “I can’t do anything for God.” You may have lots of excuses. 

There are no valid excuses. You can do it. 

Nehemiah was just a bartender. What made him think he could do something great for God? He was burdened and he realized that he had to do something about it. 

God is putting His finger on you to do the thing He has put on your heart. 

What is your story?  How is God working in your life?

Will you respond to the Lord’s invitation to walk with Him?