This is My Story Part 3: The Man Born Blind

This is My Story Part 3: The Man Born Blind

The story of the Man Born Blind in John chapter 9 has much to teach us. In the message Pastor Jamie Nunnally shares 5 truths from this unnamed man’s story.

  1. When someone is suffering from a physical condition like blindness don’t think “they’re bad,” think “they’re broken.”
  2. Jesus demonstrates that helping people is more important than keeping traditions.
  3. The religious spirit intimidates , interrogates , humiliates, and separates.
  4. It is demonstration, not instruction that will turn Jesus from stranger to savior in people’s lives.

What if we relied on the power of the Spirit instead of the power of persuasion to lead people to Jesus?

  1. Admitting your need is what sets you free. You can’t fix what you refuse to admit.

Are you letting God heal your blindness?